Monday, January 9, 2017

Nathanael O'Reilly #2 Twilight

Another attempt at a villanelle, but this time it's a kind of hybrid of a villanelle and a found poem ...


In the twilight of the morning
lovers come to embrace reality
in the twilight of evening

lovers ripen with newborn yearning
drawn together by desire’s gravity
in the twilight of the morning

kept apart by harsh light’s warning
waiting for night-time’s obscurity
in the twilight of evening

hours away from dark loving
surrendering to brute humanity
in the twilight of the morning

escaping time through kissing
attempting to embrace infinity
in the twilight of evening

lovers dwelling in-between eluding
roles defined by others for eternity
in the twilight of the morning
in the twilight of evening

Note: The lines “In the twilight of the morning” and “In the twilight of evening” are both taken from Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles.


  1. Greetings Nathanael. So well crafted, so subtle reworking of phrases - on such a long day - so good!
