Monday, January 2, 2017

Jeff Skewes #1 Ancient way

Some people say the old way's gone
it's secrets in some old grave
some people say

the old way's forgotten
lost, no-one remembers
it's hidden now they say

they're wrong I say
to say it is gone
if none seek

nor reach
toward veils hiding
unclouded crystal

walk these roads
dig with hands
forever faithful

dream, sing or pen it
those ancient highways
conjure words the old way

paint scenery on paper
joie de vivre dance
once was buried

under sand

(image to follow)


  1. Thanks Kit, you are right, a little of Shelly persists. Should I be worried or...?

  2. Beautiful Jeff. I love the mythic atmosphere you've generated.

  3. Thanks Rachael that seems like phew... :)
    I wanted a kind of prelude to the series I am working on.
