Thursday, February 23, 2017

Béatrice Machet # 11 (for the Beam series)

Hello to all, I post this text (to be read counterclockwise direction) "in advance" because I'm heading to a poetry festival and won't be available for a while.

This is supposed to be part of my "Beam Series"and the layout here is not exactly what it looks like on my page, but almost! And I post this one even though it might seem unfinished because it somehow echoes Kerri's PTSD ! I guess my version is less traumatic ....

   Beam. Headlights. A cone and
inside the dripping rain
Its curttain  as rebel
ling its own weav
ing unit
measurement.   A   life                                                     a rock. As true as langua-
there  as  if  paralleling   a                                        ge as sure as history. As per-
sharp barbed world . The more                       sonal  as a  journey.  Till a song
one progresses the more it accen-               that  any  life  contains.  A  beam.
uates its thrust. It could                                                 lights ahead. Voices to                   happen  that we see                                                                                be recognized.
of strength jolting
its way to springing up.
As light as a veil as solid as


  1. I'm loving your tiling' graphic lay-out (text blocks) Béatrice . I think your page design is working so well here in solid modules like these stunning shapes - fitting so well into our dominate screen/page format (rectangles of course). I like it all.
