Sunday, April 16, 2017

Nathanael O'Reilly #12 Look into the Core of My Mind

Look into the Core of My Mind

Look into the core of my mind.
I’m not the person you think I am -
you won’t see what you expected to find.

I can be mysterious, silent and unkind.
Sharpen your tools, conduct an exam -
look into the core of my mind.

Discover the girls and women I pined
for, who never gave a bloody damn -
you won’t see what you expected to find.

Investigate the reasons I’m resigned
to accepting this double-life - a sham -
look into the core of my mind.

For too many years you’ve been blind,
distracted by the blood of the lamb.
You won’t see what you expected to find.

Can you break the contract you signed?
Can you discern the reasons for the scam?
Look into the core of my mind.
You won’t see what you expected to find.


  1. A villanelle, right? It’s very well managed and evocative, but I feel like it needs maybe one more stanza just to make sense of the blood of the lamb line which is just a bit too cryptic for a poem that’s otherwise clear(ish).

  2. So well paced and so nicely unfolds mystetious layers. Perhap the crypic lamb is too catholic, I'm not sure...
    Just two tiny points: try cutting 'to' from accepting and 'for' from who never gave....
    This poem haunts quite exquisitely! :)
