Friday, April 7, 2017

Riparian Zones #1: Leave No Trace

New section (eco-poetics)

Leave No Trace

The road was empty that evening
the last one
split infinities

all I could see were his eyes
like a white tiger's
penetrating blue
wildness held in check

when they arrived at the zoo
it was armageddon

shouts from the shore
the band played loudly
we thought, for a New York minute
that it was a celebration
all going to be okay

but it was just a diversion
two paths diverging
each leading nowhere
winding as DNA, a double helix 
twist back to the start

there’s a whisper in the forest
that outdoes the endless trumpets
nightjars, singing in the softest 
most mournful whistle
invisible as their bodies
hidden in foliage 
it’s still there if you focus

a corruption of politicians
in diminishing returns

the indelible burn of footsteps
on soft plants
riparian zones, fragile soil

I say this not to hurt
only to remind you of what
you mustn’t forget.


  1. I really like the way you set an environmental piece into a thriller/intrigue and drama format that gradually unfurls its (powerful) message. I think the finale may be unnecessary.
    A great concept Magdalena and potent format to 'slip' ideas into a dramatic setup. It got me thinking and inspired as I grapple with ways join and link diverse materia.

    1. Thank you Jeffree. Good advice as always. You’re right - I think I can skip the finale (perhaps always).

  2. I agree with Jeffree, the last stanza is not necessary to my eyes, on the contrary the poem is more powerful without the last statement. This Riparian Zones series seems very promising and some basic things need to be said again and again!It's good that you say them and so well!
