Monday, December 5, 2016

Posting Project 52 plans by the end of December

Project 52 Plan

Ahead of getting to blogging for Project 52 properly underway in the first week of January, 2017, it would be good if participants could let each other know what they're planning to do – how they are planning to make use of this forum, and what kind of feedback they would like to receive.


  1. Béatrice Machet
    Whishes and plan for project 52

    I’ve started a poetry collection which title is, at the moment, ploughing one’s own self—se labourer l’être. My aim is to be published by Paul Stubbs (Black Herald Press). This bilingual collection will use corrected drafts I posted through Project 365+1, but not only. Since I’m involved in that “movement” people in France call “poésie sonore”, I’m tempted by recording a few soundtracks to perform these poems when I’m on stage. I don’t know if there are means to let you hear these sound montages, but if so and if you were interested in, just let me know!

    Thus I may post poems, even different versions of them (under the same title) that I’m not very happy with to discuss issues and get feedbacks, in order to figure out some ways to improve; to the extent that improvement is possible!
    I launched “chapters” or rather parts such as

    -Something series
    -Temptation series
    -Beams series
    -Back to temptation series
    -Back to remembrance series

    So the aim is not to get applauses but to get unstuck when I find no means to explore further what I’ve written … and sometimes just a word, a tip, another angle of looking at the poem will do the trick! I’m already very thankful to those whose attention and skills and talent can put me on the right tracks!
