Sunday, December 18, 2016

Kit Kelen plan for Project 52

Kit Kelen plan for Project 52

What I plan to do is work through my Project 366 material to develop a set of theme-based files, that might develop (or be combined) into book m/ss or chapbook m/ss, or something else. I want to keep my options open by having different possible destinations (and possibly different versions of) for work as it develops.

I also intend to keep going with Project 366, to accompany those yet to finish, if they want to reach the magic number and to work through my big 366 file till I've had a fair crack at the material in there. Currently (5.12.16), having just uploaded Post 340, I'm on page 546 of 928 pages in that file. In other words I have 546 pages of posted drafts and another 382 pages of rough notes to work through (with probably a fair bit of duplication and earlier versions and so on in there, but nevertheless, a lot to still process).

Here is the list of thematic files, I am thinking to have to start with for sorting the material as I revise for Project 52:

- a field guide to Australian clouds (oz eco material)
- ataraxia (garden-focussed philosophy)
- godsbother (theological)
- the philosophy of table tennis (theological/cosmological)
- ekphrastics (on paintings and painting as practice)
- Gong Bei Pillow Book (smut and generally rude business)
- Welcome to the Temple of Mammon (Macao poems)
- escaliwagulator (for kids)
- after them (responses to other poets)
- animals (poems with animals in them)
- political poems
- performance poems
- dreambook
- little poems
- drug poems (allsorts)
- collection of 366 stanza fragments

15 files is a bit scary, but by allowing the one draft to go in a few different directions, hopefully one allows it to breathe freely.

Naturally, I am not restricting my work in 2017 to simply playing with what I started on 366 in 2016, so I imagine adding a lot as I go and also borrowing from elsewhere among works drafted before now.

Looking at the task/s ahead like this, I now see that Project 12 for 2018 makes perfect sense, at least for me. It might be a matter of one m/s per month... or something like that.


  1. This seems like another huge project. Best wishes for it. What kind of feedback are you after in 2017?

  2. good question, Myron ...
    I guess I'm looking for comments that help me shape raw materials into coherent publishable works
    ... so probably the best advice I can receive is about what connects with what and what doesn't

  3. That's a lot of files/themes! I think you'd soon whittle it down to half that number - or aim at 12 one-a-month for 2018.
    Now, how do I sign up?
