I've gone from zero to 1000 it seems, and after the success of my NSW grant app and the other Pocketbook manuscript I have been cooking up, I seem to have two manuscripts on the go this year.
The Pocketbook is challenging given distance and language, but very thrilling for me and my family. It gives me an opportunity to visit some places important to my heritage, internally and externally.
I have a lot of physical organising to do. This is uphill because of my disability but I have taken some steps to try to build in support and resilience - I have my regular carers in place and so forth.
My funded book is called " Walking in the tall weeds; poems and stories" and it is more focussed in the Wiradjuri/Chinese experiences of the central west and inner-city of my childhood. It is a more travelling talking book. It doesn't yet have a publisher so I am being careful not to blather all that work around the internet. ( see I learned one thing)
My work habits have never been defined at all by an institution; although I have done a fair bit of research - I am generally a field worker in hidden populations so we keep our notes pasted to the inside of our hats. I am quite reliant on those who know to help me find the way.
I do have some funded work with marginalised writers at the moment - a fortnightly group who meets for peer support - that ends in May with a reading and so forth. This will give me some more time. I am not sure if I will aim to exhibit art again in a mixed show or do a solo show this year- it seems that would be a bit too much work for me. This last year I had Debby Doesn't do it for Free and the ARIN but this can take a rest.
So ....... making it so I have a chair to sit down on and a room I can get into, with files I can access, seems a good place to start. I have enlisted some help with this. So here is my start of what this year looks like. I need to have my first 60 pages ready by Feb. I like to get things up in reasonable time as my illness can come and take a month out of me - out of the blue. I also am recording work and doing performances for the first time.
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